Cyamodus MEYER, 1863
- Klasse Reptilia LINNÉ, 1758
- Unterklasse Diapsida OSBORN, 1903
- Überordnung Sauropterygia OWEN, 1860
- Ordnung Placodontia COPE, 1871
- Unterordnung Cyamodontoidea NOPSCA, 1923
- Überfamilie Cyamodontida NOPSCA, 1923
- Familie Cyamodontidae NOPSCA, 1923
- Gattung Cyamodus MEYER, 1863
- Typusart Placodus rostratus MÜNSTER, 1839
- 1839 – Placodus rostratus – MÜNSTER, S. 119 – 121, Tafel 15, Fig. 1 – 6
- 18xx – Placodus rostratus – AGASSIZ, Vol. 2, Pl. 71, Fig. 6 – 12
- .*1863 – Cyamodus MEYER – MEYER, S. 211, Tafel 23, Fig. 1 – 2
- Cyamodus rostratus (MÜNSTER, 1839)
- Holotypus: Schädelrest UMO BT 748
- Stratum typicum: Oberer Muschelkalk
- Locus typicus: Bindlach, Lainecker Höhenzug
- Cyamodus hildegardis PEYER, 1931
- Cyamodus kuhnschnyderi NOSOTTI & PINNA, 1993
- Cyamodus münsteri (AGASSIZ, 1839)
- Cyamodus rostratus (MÜNSTER, 1839)
- DIEDRICH, C.G. (2013) – Review of the Middle Triassic “sea cow” Placodus gigas (Reptilia) in Pangea’s shallow marine macroalgae meadows of Europe THE EUROPEAN TRIASSIC – AN OVERVIEW, Bulletin 61 New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science. The Triassic System: New Developments in Stratigraphy and Paleontology. Edited by: Lawrence H. Tanner, Justin A. Spielmann and Spencer G. Lucas, p 104 – 131
- DIEDRICH, C.G. (2013) – Shallow marine sauropterygian reptile biodiversity and change in the Bad Sulza Formation (Illyrian, Middle Triassic) of central Germany, and a contribution to the evolution of Nothosaurus in the Germanic Basin, Bulletin 61 New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science. The Triassic System: New Developments in Stratigraphy and Paleontology. Edited by: Lawrence H. Tanner, Justin A. Spielmann and Spencer G. Lucas, p 132 – 158
- DIEDRICH, C.G. & GRADINARU, E. (2013) – Distribution of basal Middle Triassic fossil reptile placodonts in the Germanic basin and northern Tethys, Bulletin 61 New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science. The Triassic System: New Developments in Stratigraphy and Paleontology. Edited by: Lawrence H. Tanner, Justin A. Spielmann and Spencer G. Lucas, p 216 – 227
- DIEDRICH, C. (2011) – Fossil middle triassic “sea cows” – placodont reptiles
as macroalgae feeders along the north-western Tethys
coastline with Pangaea and in the Germanic basin, Natural Science 3, 9-27
- DIEDRICH, C. (2009) – The vertebrates of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary (Middle Triassic) from Bissendorf (NW Germany) and their contribution to the anatomy, palaeoecology, and palaeobiogeography of the Germanic Basin reptiles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 273, 1–16
- MEYER, H.v. (1863) – Die Placodonten, eine Familie von Sauriern der Trias. Palaeontographica, 11: 175–221, Taf.XXIII – XXXII, Cassel
- MÜNSTER, G. Graf von (1839) – Beiträge zur Petrefacten-Kunde, Buchner, Bayreuth
- OWEN, R. (1858) – Description of the skull and teeth of the Placodus laticeps, Owen, with indications of other new species of Placodus, and evidence of the saurian nature of that genus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 148:169-184
- RIEPPEL, O. (2002) – The dermal armor of the cyamodontoid placodonts (Reptilia, Sauropterygia). Morphology and Systematic Value. Fieldiana n.s. (46):1-41.
- RIEPPEL, O. (2001) – The cranial anatomy of Placochelys placodonta Jaekel, 1902, and a review of the Cyamodontoidea (Reptilia, Placodonta), Fieldiana n.s. (45):1-104.